
Musings on Travel, Fashion & Fun

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And the tossing begins…

Loh Hei at Majestic Bay

Tossing it up for a good year 捞啊!

I started my rounds of lao yusheng ‘捞鱼生’ early this year at Majestic Bay, a modern Chinese restaurant helmed by chef Yong Bing Ngen (you can’t go wrong with him) located at the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay.

Lo Hei at Majestic Bay

Lo hei at Majestic Bay
Chinese black truffles & salmon raw fish or ‘Yu Sheng 鱼生’ – the smell of the truffles? Intoxicating. I feel like a pig!

In Singapore, lao yusheng ‘捞鱼生’or lo hei ‘捞起’ is a must-have dish during Chinese New Year due to its auspicious connotations. Yusheng implies “abundance of wealth and long life”, while the tossing action lo hei is a reference to tossing up good fortune. This dish is made up of over 10 ingredients, each symbolising well wishes for the new year.

The practice of eating raw fish can be traced back to as far as the Song Dynasty – it has been a traditional dish of the Cantonese people (which include the Teochews who are also from Canton province) that is eaten on the 7th day of the Chinese New Year to celebrate Ren Ri (The day god created humans in Chinese mythology). This eating habit was then imported to Singapore and Malaysia when Chinese migrants moved south, and this dish has since been localised to suit the local palate.

Lo Hei at Majestic Bay

Yusheng is usually eaten with a big group of people. Auspicious words are said as each ingredient is added. Everyone will then toss the ingredients in the air and say well wishes. Each toss should go higher than the one before to represent progression and advancement. This usually ends in a big mess as half the yusheng ends up on the table, but no one seems to mind.

Auspicious words to say when putting the ingredients:

恭喜发财 (Gong Xi Fa Cai) meaning “Congratulations for your wealth”
万事如意 (Wan Shi Ru Yi) meaning “May all your wishes be fulfilled”
Raw fish年年有余 (Nian Nian You Yu) meaning “Abundance through the year”
Pomelo or lime大吉大利 (Da Ji Da Li) meaning “Good luck and smooth sailing”
Pepper招财进宝 (Zhao Cai Jin Bao) meaning “Attract wealth and treasures”
Oil一本万利 (Yi Ben Wan Li) meaning “Make 10,000 times of profit with your capital”
Carrots鸿运当头 (Hong Yun Dang Tou) meaning “Good luck is approaching”
Shredded green radish青春常驻 (Qing Chun Chang Zhu) meaning “Forever young”
Shredded white radish风生水起 (Feng Sheng Shui Qi) meaning “Progress at a fast pace”, or 步步高升 (Bu Bu Gao Sheng) meaning “Reaching higher level with each step”
Peanut crumbs金银满屋 (Jin Yin Man Wu) meaning “Household filled with gold and silver”
Sesame seeds生意兴隆 (Sheng Yi Xing Long) meaning “Prosperity for the business”
Deep-fried flour crisps in the shape of golden pillows满地黄金 (Man Di Huang Jin) meaning “Floor full of gold”
Plum Sauce甜甜蜜蜜 (Tian Tian Mi Mi) meaning “May sweetness enters your life”
Source: Wikipedia

You are free to say anything – as long as it’s auspicious and what you wish for the new year. Most people wish for a promotion or to strike lottery. The most humorous one I have heard while tossing is from a lady trying for a baby: “More sex, more sex!” I admire her candidness.

Lo Hei at Majestic Bay

My wish for the new year?
I wish for happiness, and the ability to put a smile on every person and animal I meet. Let’s make the Year of the Snake full of happiness, filling each day with lots of laughter as symbolised by these yummy garlic steamed prawns (prawn in Cantonese “Ha” sounds like laughing). 哈哈哈!

Dear Diet, …


I’m sorry have been a naughty girl. I saw a Black Forest, and the temptation was too great not to explore…it was Paradise!

People tell me fruits are good for you, so I had another piece. It was a very good Sunday. And I promise to live in the gym for the next week. I miss you Diet, come back soon with Waistline!

Photography – Sourpuss

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I was walking along Dunlop Street in Little India when I spotted this kitty cat lazing on a wooden table outside a backpackers’ inn. It gave me a menacing “Whadda hell do you want?!” scowl when I went near…I thought the expression looked kinda cute though, just like a child haha.


Don’t come any nearer, I’m gonna pounce…” I hesitated for a moment.


After a few minutes of convincing sourpuss I’m a friend not a foe nor food, it was quite happy to be patted all over. It at it self-servicing, pushing its head to me to be scratched! It was a big fluffy softie afterall. So cute! Hope I will bump into the little bag of joy again soon.

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Look of the Day – Martian

I dropped by the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay for a visit, and saw the gardeners setting up the seasonal Flower Field for Chinese New Year. The Oriental theme was a sharp contrast to my futuristic outfit for the day, and I certainly looked like a Martian who just landed on the wrong planet. Heh.
Giant Sleeves Top – From Hong Kong
Striped innerpiece – Uniqlo
Pants – Issey Miyake

I brought a friend, and his name is Dino
Dinosaur with Pearl Necklace – From Laforet, Harajuku Tokyo

Studded Diamante Shoes – From Hong Kong

Red Alert

To usher in the Year of the Snake, the “Spring Celebrations” New Year floral display at the Flower Dome will feature 8,000 colourful blooms including peonies, camellias, cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, orchids, dahlias, azaleas, and kumquat plants. Nestled amongst the festive flora are oriental pavilions and 200 year old bonsai plants – I think they must have time-travelled here too.

3-metre kumquat snake spotted!

It looks good enough to eat…yumz

A Martian snake joins in the fun

Red is the colour of the New Year

There are more than 8 varieties of kumquat (citrus) plants on display for the Chinese New Year period, such as this Giant Golden Citrus which is bigger that my fist! And I am not that petite you know. :D

Buddha’s Hand Citrus

Can’t wait for these beauties to bloom and their fragrance to permeate the air. It always tells me New Year is around the corner.

Splashes of red all around the Gardens

Giant lanterns greet you from the entrance all the way to the Flower Dome. So follow the lanterns!

Planet by Marc Quinn

I spotted another boy Martian at the Gardens!
This giant sculpture of a sleeping baby by internationally acclaimed British artist Marc Quinn was recently unveiled at The Meadows. One of the artist’s most important works, it plays on the illusion of weightlessness (it is entirely supported by the baby’s hand despite the huge size) and Man’s vulnerability. It also forms the newest addition to the 40+ artworks at Gardens by the Bay.

Can’t wait for New Year to come – gives me a valid reason to erm, SHOP! (Hope chum D is not reading this…heehee)

Here’s Martian Spunktitud3 saying toodles for now…come by the Flower Dome to admire the spring blooms soon!